Supplements for acne

Impure skin, pimples and acne is thought to be cured with supplements. But is it really the truth that supplements removes acne and pimples?

Author Mads Timmermann

Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.


Dear Clara,

Thank you so much for your question regarding acne and supplements. But you pretty much answered your own question :-)

First of all, your cosmetologist recommends products that she sells herself. It is fine to recommend products that you sell yourself, BUT in this case it is obvious that your cosmetologist is trying to increase sales.

Secondly, you have a very healthy diet and you do not need any supplements. For example, if you digest too many of the water-soluble Vitamin C and B, they will only go right through your body and down the toilet drain. Waste of money.

Thirdly, there is no documentation that certain foods (among them supplements) will remove blemishes and acne.

So keep up the healthy lifestyle, save money on expensive supplements and maybe take a look at my cure for acne.

I wish you the very best future!

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