Shiny skin

Get clean and dull skin by using the right skin care and skin care routine. Danish Skin Care gives FREE advice to avoid shiny skin and oily skin

Author Mads Timmermann

Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.


Dear Kisser,

Thank you so much for your question. I am happy to give you advice and guidance.

First of all, I would like to emphasize that you do not have to use a special cleanser for greasy skin. A cleansing product should always be very mild regardless of the different skin types that people have.

Try Perfect Skin Face Wash.

Regarding your shiny skin, I would recommend you to use a light foundation with sunscreen during the day, instead of a regular crème. Alternatively, you can use a day crème with a slight tint.

If you have skin that easily becomes shiny and greasy, your skin has a tendency to produce a lot of tallow/grease. This is in the genes of the skin and cannot be corrected with a crème. Therefore, a lot of people with greasy skin choose not to use a moisturizer. (Please note that the skin should still have a light sunscreen applied – for example use a powder with sunscreen).

I hope you can use my help and I wish you a very merry Christmas!

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