Author Mads Timmermann
Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.
Hello Carina
- Uhh, I certainly understand why you no longer wish to be on the pill. Its a really bad thing to fill your body with... and birth control pills can be really hormone-disrupting.
And I am really sad to hear that your skin has now gone berserk - but it is actually very normal. The pill is as I said is very hormone-disrupting, so when starting / ending one can easily experience a severe deterioration of the skin - including outbreaks of acne and blemishes.
In relation to your question about oil, then yes. Treating acne and pimples with oily products, is a REALLY no-go!
Even if the product is developed in Denmark - unfortunately legislation in this area is not particularly good. Indeed, one can put almost anything on a bottle and write it is good for pimples ... without it actually helping cure or reduce acne.
And yes, oil really isn't good for your skin. I can tell you like this, that pimples consists of JUST oil and dead skin cells, which together create pimples ... so by supplying oil to the skin, you are actually feeding your skin with one of the ingredients that causes pimples and blemishes.
And yes, of course we are fully aware of the fashionable phenomenon of "OIL" - argan oil, jojoba oil etc etc ... and no, NONE of them are worth using on your skin if you want to take good care of it.
Further I can add that one of the reasons the development of Danish Skin Care products takes years, is because I work on eliminating all clogging oils from our products - i will even be so bold to say that the difference between a good and a bad skin care product is the amount of oil in it. Oil makes it namely SUPER easy to develop a cream, but on the opposite it is tremendously hard to develop creams without clogging oils.
Naturally, I would love to help you to get rid of your pimples and your impure skin, so you can once again get a nice, bountiful and even skin :-) I hardly recommend that you take a look at my skin care line Danish Skin Care - it is specifically designed and developed to help and remove skin problems and the products are based on documented knowledge on what works made by acclaimed studies and research. At the same time, Danish Skin Care has a simple 3-step system consisting of four products that you use to clean and treat your skin with every morning and evening:
- Perfect Skin Face Wash: Wash your face with water, then foam the product into your hands and wash the face. Rinse with water and dab your face dry.
- Perfect Skin Day Protector: Day cream with SPF, which is extremely important to ensure that the skin is calm and can tackle problems and thereby help it self to heal and to protect the skin against the sun's harmful rays - the sun's rays account for 70% of our skin problems, so sunscreen is extremely important!
At the same time the product is packed with good ingredients and beneficial vitamins for your skin.
- Perfect Skin Face Wash: Wash your face with water, then foam the product into your hands and wash the face. Rinse with water and dab your face dry.
- Perfect Skin Power Treat: A daily exfoliation, which is distributed onto the face with a cotton pad. Allow it to be on the face overnight. A daily exfoliation is highly effective to keep skin healthy and vital - and its a daily help in getting rid of dead skin cells and keeping your pores clean. At the same time, the product is filled with soothing ingredients that helps the skin to keep clean and relaxed.
- Perfect Skin Moisturizer: Night cream, which like the Perfect Skin Day Protector is packed with good ingredients which should help to protect and replenish your skin, just without the sunscreen.
One final point, it is really important that you choose a cream for your skin type - If you skin trends to be oily, then choose the skin care series: normal to oily skin. If you tend to have dry skin, choose skin care series: normal to dry skin.
- Learn how to find your skin type with this guide
A skin care kit from the Danish Skin Care has a life of approximately 3 months, so the products are really tough in use - and the best part is that they are extremely easy to use. No more eye creams, masks, spot treatment, toner, etc. - it's all you get in the series. Eg. simply use face cream as your eye cream - masks, spot treatments and skin tonic is "built" into the series. Moreover, the Danish Skin Care skin series is 100% free of perfumes, dyes and skin irritating ingredients.
- Get the right skin care series for your particular skin type
Hope it was the answer you where looking for otherwise do not hesitate to write again. I'd love to help you, so you can become rid of your acne.
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