Author Mads Timmermann
Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.
- Cleaning napkins or hand sanitizer
- Earplugs
- Passport
- Money
- Tickets / booking number / insurance papers
- Mobile phone
- Mobile Charger
- Tablet, computer, camera + charger
- Headphones
- Book
- Sunglasses
- Travel Headrest
- Power Adapter (If the travel destination has a different power outlet)
- Medicine, birth control pills and the like...
Toiletry bag:
- Toothbrush
- Toothpaste
- Deodorant
- Shampoo and conditioner
- Hair brush or comb
- Your Danish Skin Care skin care products
- Sunscreen for body
- Shaving tools and accessories
- Headache pills, diarrhea and constipation pills, anti-mosquito spray and patches
- Sanitary pads and tampons
- Hair dryer (Unless there is one at the destination)
- Hair Products
- Hair bands and hair clips
- Makeup and makeup remover
- Cotton pads and cotton swabs
The packaging list is for a 7-day trip. Should you travel for a longer time, you can still use this list and just wash the clothes along the way.
- 1 Pair of trousers or jeans
- 1 Pair of shorts
- 1 Skirt
- 2 Dresses (evening and casual)
- 3 Tops / t-shirts
- 1 Hot sweater
- 1 Bikini
- 7 Panties
- 2 Bras
- Socks and pantyhose
- 2 - 3 types of shoes (sandals, flip-flops, sneakers)
- Washing powder
- Plastic bag for dirty clothes and dirty shoes
- 1 Pair of trousers or jeans
- 2 Pair of shorts
- 3 T-Shirts
- 1 Pair of shirts / polos
- 1 Hot sweater
- Swimwear
- 7 Boxers
- Socks
- 2 - 3 types of shoes (sandals, flip-flops, sneakers)
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