Author Mads Timmermann
Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.
Hello Anders
Thanks for all your sweet words. Its nice to hear that you are happy with my products and already see some good results :-)
And you can rest assure, of cause I'd like to help :-D I would just start by denying your question about hot and cold water. It is ALWAYS best for the skin to use lukewarm water ... both warm and cold water are pretty irritating to the skin, so those kind of shock to the skin should always be minimized.
When washing with Perfect Skin Face Wash, you only need to use lukewarm water. The correct way to wash your face - is just splashing a little water on your face. Now your hands are also wet and you can spread Perfect Skin Face Wash into your hands - use 1-2 pump Perfect Skin Face Wash.
Distribute the product on the face - it should take about 10 seconds ... make sure to massage (NEVER SCRUB with your hands) around your nose, eyes, forehead and cheeks. So your hands have been everywhere on your face and just massage / rub the skin :-)
Rinse your hands for soap and now take a few handful of water and splash your face repeatedly - until all the soap is gone. Dab your face dry with a towel - again, NEVER SCRUB!
In relation to Perfect Skin Power Treat, I would recommend that you use the product only once a day - very few people need 2 daily treatments ... you may want to try and step up and use the product twice - but just be careful and be aware of how your skin reacts ... do not over treat your skin.
However, you properly treat a blemished and unclean skin with the following routine:
Perfect Skin Face Wash
Perfect Skin Day Protector
Perfect Skin Face Wash
Perfect Skin Power Treat
Perfect Skin Moisturizer
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