Author Mads Timmermann
Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.
I am happy that you could use the advice I gave you last time.
It is important that you cleanse your skin once in the morning and once in the evening to remove dirt and dead skin cells and let your skin breathe. Even the most sensitive skin should be cleansed daily – naturally with a mild cleansing product.
Regarding face masks, it should not be necessary with the correct skincare routine daily – face masks work once a week and are “harsh” on the skin, because the skin has to suddenly work on “over time”. And in addition to that, you must also remember to use them regularly to have the optimal effect and plan according to when you have “time” to be red-faced after the harsh treatment. And because of that skincare routines can become a real “downer” instead of being something nice and yummy. Consider it a little while, like with you diet – we know that it is not optimal to only eat healthy once a week. The same goes for your skin – it has to be maintained daily with mild skincare products.
If you use an electrical shaving machine, you have to use it on dry skin and then cleanse your skin with a mild cleansing product afterwards. If you should choose to use a razor for shaving, I would suggest that you cleanse your skin before shaving. At the same time, remember to use a shaving gel, crème or oil to make using the knife on your skin smoother. And you should always choose a shaving product without perfume and irritating ingredients.
Ingrown hairs often appear if your skin is not cleansed properly and/or moisturized, which will cause the small follicles to clog and so the hair cannot emerge from them. This is why it is so important to remember to cleanse your skin and to use a peeling crème.
I am looking forward to hearing if your skin will get better and I wish you further success in your life.
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