Author Mads Timmermann
Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.
Hi Louise
Thank you very much for your sweet words! Nice to hear that you like the information I share - and that you can use my guides.
I'm also really happy to hear that you after only 3 weeks already are seeing some really good improvements on your skin - and that you can see a positive result compared to your pimples: -D It's really amazing! It really sounds like you are responding well to the products so you can expect some really good results :-D :-D :-D
Compared to the red marks, which you are getting after having yellow pimples, there is no doubt that it is scars - or what many call acne scars. However, scars are scars, and the treatment is the same ...
However, the treatment should never be a dermaroll because it (as you have unfortunately experienced yourself) causes many more pimples - and as a result even more scars has to be treated again ... so a dermaroll is just a evil circle where you will constantly have to remove new scars :-(
Benzoyl Peroxide cream will also have no effect on scars, as Benzoyl Peroxide cream is only for very serious cases of pimples - and you are already very successful with treating your pimples with your Danish Skin Care products. Starting with Benzoyl Peroxide cream would therefore be a complete waste ... so save your money :-)
Now that we are talking about saving money, the Danish Skin Care skincare series actually already has a LOT of ingredients that will help remove the marks and redness of the skin. Among many others, I can mention salicylic acid, vitamin A, niacinamide and chamomile ... So included in the Danish Skin Care series, you already have the ingredients that can help remove your scars and soothe the redness :-D So you are already on the right track with treating your scars :-D And even without it costing you more money or taking a longer time! :-)
However, scars, takes time to treat - and my best advice to you is mostly patience, as the red marks and scars will probably disappear by using the Danish Skin Care series in time. But it takes time.
In addition to this, I can say that it is SUPER good that you make sure you get exercise and eat healthy. In relation to your training, be sure to work out so that you really get the sweat going - it has a good effect on the scars. And compared to your diet, I can recommend you a dietary supplement of zinc - just like you would benefit from taking a multivitamin with iron for a few months. Especially now that it's winter and you with a multivitamin can make sure you get enough of the vitamins and minerals you need - but especially make a dietary supplement with zinc, as zinc is brilliant for your skin, hair and nails: -) And keep on eating healthy - vitamins can never replace a healthy and varied diet :-)
Alternatively to the Danish Skin Care series, the best treatment I can recommend you, is in fact a laser treatment of scars after pimples - but here you are looking at an alternative with a longer course of treatments. And you should really be bothered by scars, before I can recommend this - as laser is both an expensive and a harsh treatment.
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