Author Mads Timmermann
Mads has 14+ years of experience as a skin expert and has written/read this article.
Hello Morten
Thank you very much for your very sweet words! Its nice to hear that you are really happy with my skin care products - and that you have been able to use my advice. It's also great to hear that you've followed "The Danish Acne Cure" - and now your face is free of pimples!
It's really amazing! :-D
SUPER nice to hear that you are now pimple-free - now we just need to get rid of those annoying pimples on your scalp! :-)
But it's really good to hear that you take the information in The Danish Acne Cure seriously and have dropped cow's milk, get a lot of exercise and eat healthy - and of course, that you take care of your skin.
Dropping cows milk will definitely have an impact on your scalp and the pimples on your scalp. Just like it will really impact the pimples on your scalp, that you exercise and get sweaty, and that you are eating healthy - or perhaps rather, eating the right things.
Or perhaps even more crucial that you avoid the foods that are causing pimples. To eat "healthy" is a concept not easily defined - many will, for example, say that cow's milk is healthy.
Cow's milk is not really good for us if we have problems with pimples, unclean skin and acne.
So it's great that you already follow and use The Danish Acne Cure - so I will not start by telling you about the foods you should avoid. Or contrary to the foods that you really should eat a lot of - just to give your skin the best possible care from the inside :-)
- Learn what foods are causing pimples
BUT, in spite of all the good things you already do - it's not unnatural to have pimples on the scalp. A lot of people usually care for their hair - more specifically their scalp - completely wrong. And this can be the cause of pimples.
Exactly like pimples and acne, you need to care for the skin extra well, as you have also experienced using my skincare series from Danish Skin Care on the face. And of course, it's the combination of everything you've done - dropped cow's milk, eat right, exercise and use good skin care products - that you've quickly got rid of your pimples on the face.
Your pimples on the scalp have hardly received much skin care ;-)
And I will guide you to the proper scalp care, when you suffer from pimples on the scalp, right here.
First of all, I would just like to say that acne on the scalp truly is a terrible thing to suffer from! It can be incredibly painful and hard to get rid of, just as you've already experienced.
At worst, pimples on the scalp can actually cause hair loss - but let's get control of the pimples on the scalp before it get so far.
However, it is important to point out that if you have pimples on the scalp, it must be taken seriously! Even though the hair hides the pimples and only once in a while experience a single or two pimples on the scalp.
To this, I would like to add that fortunately there are many things - and products - that have a positive effect on the disorder, despite pimples on the scalp can be difficult to treat. So it's really about finding the right solution for you! The difficulty in treating pimples on the scalp is probably also the most important thing, that it is hard to do very much without becoming one huge project.
First of all, it's quite difficult to get the products down to the scalp - because the hair is just like a blockade. So creams, products and treatments etc. mostly end up in the hair, which can cause oily hair. And yes, you probably want to wash your hair right away - but most products that work against pimples on the scalp should be in your hair for several hours.
Below, I will try to address a variety of methods and treatments, each of which can help you to get rid of your problem and remove the pimples on your scalp.
Some require special ingredients and others make use of things you easily find in the home. However, I would like to point out once again that none of treatments are quickly over, all the treatments require that you have the products on the scalp for a long time.
It may therefore be a good idea to do the treatment in the evening and sleep with the product in the hair overnight. Be sure to use an old pillow case that you can wash daily-and throw out later.
Before we get there, let's start with the easy solutions first. So the solutions you can do in the bath - and the things that you need to be extra aware of compared to pimples on the scalp.
Add a tablespoon of vinegar to a bowl of water and wash the hair after washing the hair with soap and the soap is rinsed out thoroughly. The vinegar changes the pH value on your scalp and makes it harder for bacteria to thrive.
You should only do this once a week and it is by no means dangerous, but it can smell a bit ugly. The vinegar smell disappears relatively quickly, but I would still recommend you do this trick in the evening so you can sleep through it overnight. Do not rinse your hair afterwards, but simply drip your hair - so that the vinegar stays in the hair overnight.
This method also works preventive - and is a good way to keep your scalp free of acne.
Anti-dandruff shampoo works relatively well against mild acne on the scalp, as anti-dandruff shampoo contains ingredients that fight fungus on the scalp and thus remove excess skin cells as well as dirt.
So if you have not yet tried anti-dandruff shampoo, it's always a good place to start. Be sure to read the package pamphlet in the product - and always observe the washing instructions. anti-dandruff shampoo must not replace ordinary shampoo and anti-dandruff shampoo is not something you should use for a long time as it can just cause dandruff on the scalp.
As with all kinds of acne, you should never scratch, press and touch your pimples. The same goes for pimples on the scalp. A yellow and inflamed bum may be pressed, but be sure to press the pimple correctly, too, be careful - it may be quite difficult to press your own pimples on the scalp correctly, so seek help.
In addition, it should be mentioned that all irritation of the pimples may potentially make the situation worse. It is therefore best not to touch and scratch the pimples and cause unnecessary irritation.
This also applies to hair products, hair gel, hair shampoo and styling products!
Always choose shampoo, gel, wax, styling products and other hair products without perfume, without colorants and without skin irritating ingredients. In addition, you should avoid oil-based and oily hair products, as oil clogs the skin and causes pimples.
So, please don't believe in some smart tricks that promise that you just can use a little argan oil, jojoba oil or other oil to remove pimples on the scalp. I promise you, It will not work - On the contrary, there is a great risk that you will worsen your scalp and create even more pimples on your scalp!
Also, avoid wearing caps or hats, when you suffer from pimples on the scalp! It blocks out the air and inhibits blood circulation as well as the oxygen supply ...
Also for the more "cumbersome" treatments - its also the treatments that will work best ... They are not that more cumbersome!
The trouble is that you have to put the product down on the scalp and leave it there for a long time - so use the product in the evening and let it work on the scalp overnight.
Benzoyl Peroxide is included in many prescription drugs and some hand-bought products for the control of acne. Benzoyl Peroxide is an organic substance that has proven to be excellent in treating pimples - and is extremely easy to use for treating pimples on the scalp and you can get products with benzoyl peroxide in various types of products - creams, gels, lotions and soaps.
However, the most effective is definitely the gel, as it is best at sticking on the scalp and working on the skin.
In relation to the treatment of the scalp, however, gel is also the most difficult - as the vast majority ends in the hair. However, I will continue to recommend Benzoyl Peroxide and you should just use the product in the evening - and let sit in your hair overnight.
Then you can wash it out in the morning.
You should also note that you need to use the product once a day if you want to see any effects - plus you should be aware that it will probably dry out scalp so you may need to use some cream in the morning.
Extra important to know compared to benzoyl peroxide is that it unfortunately has a bleaching effect, so unless you are light-haired or very very dark-haired - then benzoyl peroxide may not be the solution. If you are red-haired, light brown or dark, you should not use benzoyl peroxide in your hair - because you will risk bleaching your hair.
Benzoyl Peroxide is found in different products, but you have to make sure to choose the ones with 5% Benzoyl Peroxide - the products with 10% is too harsh. And despite the fact that many believe that products with 10% Benzoyl Peroxide is better, there is a greater risk of causing skin irritation and more pimples.
Benzoyl Peroxide cream with 5% Benzoyl peroxide is the solution if you want to use Benzoyl Peroxide.
Salicylic acid is also called BHA, which is the abbreviation for Beta Hydroxy Acid. Salicylic acid has for years been used to treat acne, pimples and unclean skin.
And salicylic acid is truly an amazing product for the treatment of pimples. It's also salicylic acid, that is in my Perfect Skin Power Treat that really does miracles for acne.
In comparison to pimples on the scalp, salicylic acid is also really easy to use. Perfect Skin Power Treat is a completely fluid product, so you can easily distribute the product to the scalp and thus fight pimples on the scalp.
I would also like to add, that salicylic acid DOESN'T have a bleaching effect - opposite to products with Benzoyl Peroxide.
Finally, for the treatment of pimples on the scalp you can also use sulfur - there are a number of soaps and shampoos with sulfur that you can try.
However, you get the best effects with sulfur if you use a cream or similar products, which can continue being on the skin.
In addition, to creams with sulfur you should apply the product a few times a day - so sulfur creams are probably the least easy of my recommendations.
You should also be aware that the use of sulfur can cause the hair and scalp to dry. Therefore, it is important to use it carefully - so you do not worsen your situation.
Should you get a dry scalp you should take a break from using sulfur and replace it with a very mild shampoo or a dry scalp product.
It should also be mentioned that products with sulfur must under no circumstances be used on open wounds as it may aggravate the wounds healing process and cause major problems.
My best recommendation to you is definitely to use Perfect Skin Power Treat every night on the scalp. It's easy to use and Perfect Skin Power Treat is a really brilliant product to treat pimples as it contains salicylic acid.
But you can also try Sulfur and Benzoyl Peroxide - and if none of these recommendations work, you should definitely seek a doctor and get help from a dermatologist.
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